Thursday, May 14, 2009

for one more day

'for one more day' is another wonderful book by Mitch Albom. It's a book about a man whose life is destroyed by alcohol and regret. He loses his job, his marriage is broken and his only daughter does not invite him to her wedding. That's when he decides to end his life. When he tries to commit suicide he meets his mother who has been dead for eight years.
This is the story of a man who has been granted one more day with his dead mother. A day in which he can right some of the wrongs he committed and a day in which he learns that love is all that matters.


  1. Yeah, I read the book... t'was nice. But I liked 'The Five People you meet in Heaven' better... that was an awesome book. By the way, Jeffrey Archer is touring India, he was here last Sunday, I couldn't meet him. Check out his blog

  2. I didnt meet him but i got a pretty good look at him. i actually had no idea he was on tour in india. was at landmark and noticed a huge crowd in one section. got to know archer was there. it was pretty cool.
    Im going to read The five people you meet in heaven' next.
    you should read Tuesdays with Morrie. it's become one of my fav books.

  3. u dont even like jefferey archer, simply get excited cos some celebrity is there..i wish he had asked u something about his books and embarrassed you ;)
